Let it Stop, Let it Stop, Let it Stop!

Let it Stop, Let it Stop, Let it Stop!

I love sitting indoors and watching snow fall while drinking my oversize mug of hot cocoa just as much as the next person, but this year, my snow shovel has gotten more than its fair share of a workout, and the impossible snow/salt/ice stains on my black pants and boots seem to be sneering at me every chance they get. While kids and teachers are rejoicing during their many snow days, my version of “Let It Snow” has become more like this: Oh the weatherman’s so outspoken, And darn it, our fireplace is broken, We’ve got a ton of errands to run, Where’s the Sun? Where’s the Sun? Where’s the...


Did you know that each snowflake is made up of roughly 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 water molecules? That’s why it’s practically impossible to have two identical flakes, since all the water molecules grow at different rates. I can’t think of a single thing that I could design with infinite variations. Thumbs up, Nature. Job well...
Out with the Old, In with the New

Out with the Old, In with the New

The end of the year can be a hectic time, especially with family get-togethers, travel plans, and holiday gift bills. Thus, it’s easy to overlook New Year’s resolutions or to hastily make a tentative list in your head. Most people have a neverending list of things they’d like to change about themselves and their lives, so making a definitive list of resolutions can be daunting. However, I suggest that you make just one. One resolution that you’re resolved to achieve. If you make just one change in your life, it can have lasting ripples in other areas. Can’t think of any? Here are some ideas to get you started: 1. Start each day purposefully doing what’s most important to you. Perhaps you love to draw but never find the time. Make a commitment to wake up 20 minutes earlier and sketch something every day. 2. Work on something outside of your comfort zone. Take on a project you might normally pass up, or try a different style you don’t normally use. Test your limits. Surprise yourself. 3. Take one purposeful break per day. Schedule one short outing per day that gets you out of your work chair. Try a new coffee shop, sit outside and people-watch, or just walk around the block looking for things you hadn’t noticed before. 4. Clean. An organized workspace can save you tons of time and can be a source of inspiration. 5. Just do it. So many people wait for the ideal time to do or buy something, and often they wait too long. If you’ve been saving a bottle of wine, waiting...
Green Gift Idea

Green Gift Idea

Looking for a great gift but strapped for cash? Here’s a gift idea that’s easy, inexpensive, and useful! Step 1: Obtain a can. Larger ones are better. I saved the green bean cans I used for our Thanksgiving feast. Eat, give away, or save contents of the can. Clean out the can and make sure there are no sharp edges. Step 2: Cover with pretty papers. You can keep the label on the can so you’re gluing paper to paper rather than paper to metal. You can find fun papers in art and crafts stores, or you can design the papers yourself. Step 3: Fill with potting soil and small plant. Both soil and plants can be found in most home improvement stores or garden stores. You can also add a little whimsy by including a witty, personalized tag. Ta-da! Quick, easy, and gentle on the wallet. Lots of variations possible, so have...
Calling All Cookie Lovers

Calling All Cookie Lovers

What better time than the holiday season to revel in cookie gluttony? You can find pretty much anything holiday-related in cookie form: Change your “ohm” to “yum!” Save electricity – decorate with edible lights! Happy holly-days! Candy turned into a cookie and decorated with candy! Not as good as wool but keeps you warm on the inside! Howdy Christmas! Munch on your loved ones! Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel – I made it out of dough… Each one is distinct – no two are the same! My unofficial job title. I’m getting business cards made. Happy cookie eating...