Console.WriteLine(“I love scripting.”);

I’ve never thought of myself as a programmer. In high school, I took a programming class and only got so far before the complicated code started frustrating me. Nowadays, perhaps due to my infinitely more sophisticated mind power or the application of games to code, but I’m developing a fascination with scripting. To me, scripting feels like working on the Word Jumble or Sudoku puzzle in the Sunday Times. There’s exactly one solution, creative ways to get there, and a logical process that will carry you through. I may not know much about scripting right now, but I have definitely fallen in love with the logic behind...
The Games That Got Me Here

The Games That Got Me Here

It’s my birthday. When I think back to a year ago today, I can’t believe just how different my life is. For one, I now live in Canada. CANADA. And I’m studying game design. How crazy is that? A year ago, I had just finished working with Clairvoyant Technologies to develop Pi’s Kingdom, a game targeting basic math facts for elementary school students. A year ago, I was preparing to start working with ARTSEDGE (AE) at the Kennedy Center to develop resources to help educators bring the arts into the classroom. It was from my AE cubicle that all this craziness started. At AE, I worked on a variety of projects, from writing and revising lesson plans to creating interactive materials to supplement lessons and Kennedy Center events. But my favorite projects were easily the games. I was tasked with creating a game to teach basic elementary music knowledge. What came from that challenge was Step Right Up, two carnival-themed games to teach basic rhythm and how to read notes on the staff. For these two games, I created the high concept and designed the mechanics, interface, and theme/art. Need to brush up on your music theory? Take a look at Quackin’ Rhythms and Whack-A-Note. Through these experiences, I realized the incredible potential of games in education. And, well, the rest is history. One year later, I’m here in Vancouver living my dream, and I’m excited about all that’s yet to...