The Easy Term

The Easy Term

Just this week, I’ve written 4 papers, taken 1 midterm, created a detailed perspective drawing, and analyzed numerous games and movie scenes. And this is supposed to be the “easy” term.

Now into the 4th week of my first term, I can honestly say that I still love it. I leave the house at 8am each morning and usually get home after 10pm, but most days I end the day with more energy than I have at the beginning of the day.

I’ve heard that a year at VFS should be viewed less as school and more as industry experience – an extended interview, if you will. All the assignments are designed to hone specific skills and lead to specific goals. Not one assignment thus far has made me feel like I was wasting my time.

Here’s an in-class assignment I did today in my visual storytelling class in which we were discussing visual communication through comics. This comic was created in under 15 minutes, and I think it essentially sums up my expectations for my experience at VFS within the next several months: start out clunky and intimidated, go through several bumps, gain a few bruises, and come out sleek and molded, ready for the next adventure.